Words with Double Meanings in Spanish

Words with double meanings in Spanish

Everyone who has learned another language has had their fair share of embarrassing stories. Some are for using the completely wrong word, like calling a car borracho instead of barato (true story!). However, sometimes, words can have a different meaning depending on the country. If you aren’t familiar with the slang or culture of a […]

Advanced Spanish Tech Vocabulary

Advanced Spanish Tech Vocabulary Conversa Spanish Institute

Technology is a necessary part of all of our lives, and some of the most common terms we use every day. Think about all of the time you spend online, telling people about things you said or saw on social media, or using different softwares at work. So much of our lives are in screens, […]

Start Learning a Word a Day

Start learning a word a day Conversa Spanish Institute

If you want to boost your “random” Spanish vocabulary, learning a word a day is a great low-energy activity. You’ll never know when these words will be useful! Best of all, it’s something you can get sent to you, and you can do from the comfort of your own home! Whether you’ve been learning Spanish […]

Irregular Familiar Commands You’ll Use Daily

Irregular Familiar Commands You'll Use Daily Conversa Spanish Institute

The word command can sound so harsh, but in reality, we use commands every day. Familiar commands are some of the most common terms that you’ll hear and say! Commands aren’t just when you’re bossy and telling someone what to do, but rather words that give direction instead of a suggestion. Take a look at […]

Why Learn Spanish When I Could Use AI?

Why Learn Spanish When I Could Use AI? Conversa Spanish Institute

AI for translations isn’t really that new. Google Translate, Babbel and so many other machine translation sites have been around for a while now. If you ask any Spanish teacher, they’ll tell you that they’ve been learning how to adjust teaching methodologies to adapt to the changing world. AI might be getting smarter, but there’s […]

Master the Difference Between Traer and Llevar

Master the difference between traer and llevar Conversa Spanish Institute

The difference between traer and llevar has caused many headaches for Spanish learners because of their similarities, and English isn’t exactly the same. Many students mix up when to use these two verbs, and although you’re understood by native speakers, it sounds a little funny. Surely you’ve heard them both used, but can you tell […]

Familiarize Yourself with the Sounds of Spanish

Familiarize yourself with the sounds of Spanish Conversa Spanish Institute

At their core, languages are collections of sounds. Words are made up of individual components called phonemes, which is a linguistic term for “sounds”. Spanish is what is considered to be a phonetic language because the letters represent specific sounds, and almost all letters in Spanish only have one sound. Practicing learning the sounds of […]

Useful Spanish Office Vocabulary

Useful Spanish Office Vocabulary

Whether you’re trying to learn possible vocabulary for the future or are actively trying to speak more Spanish at work, office vocabulary will be very useful! Most of this vocabulary is common in daily life, and can come in handy outside of the office, too. In addition to when you’re on the clock, they’re helpful […]

Different Ways to Combine Ser + Para

Different Ways to Combine Ser + Para Conversa Spanish Institute

The word para is tiny but mighty, and is a preposition that can be used with many different verbs. One of the most common uses is when you combine ser and para. In the most basic sense, Ser means “to be” and para is roughly “for” or “in order to.” Remember, lots of aspects of […]

What Are the CEFR Levels of Language Proficiency?

What are the CEFR levels of language proficiency? Conversa Spanish Institute

When you’ve looked at language classes, books, games, etc., you’ve definitely seen a combination of letters and numbers, known as CEFR levels of language proficiency. A2? B1? What do these mean? Keep reading to find out! A brief history of CEFR CEFR stands for Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Basically, it’s a way […]