Break Bad Study Habits with Mindfulness

Breaking Bad Study Habits with Mindfulness Conversa

Единственное, что сложнее, чем начинать новые привычки, - это ломать старые. Если ты нервничаешь по поводу изучения испанского, потому что твои навыки учебы не всегда были на высоте, слушай внимательно! Ты можешь избавиться от плохих привычек в учебе с помощью mindfulness. Если ты новичок в ментальности, не волнуйся! Тебе не нужно иметь богатый опыт медитации, чтобы практиковать [...].

What Is Mindset Theory?

What is mindset theory? Conversa

Behind all of the blogs, podcasts and lessons around the power of mindset is mindset theory. According to it, people have either a growth or fixed mindset. Those with a growth mindset believe that you’re able to change and develop your abilities, while those with a fixed mindset think their abilities and intelligence aren’t able […]

Apocopation in Spanish

It might sound scary, but apocopation is actually something quite simple. In fact, it’s common in English, and lots of other languages, too! All it means is that there are some words that you shorten by taking off the end of a word. Sometimes this is just in spoken conversation, but sometimes it’s a core […]

Learning Strategies to Practice Spanish at Home

All throughout your time as a young student, your teachers used different learning strategies in the classroom. Different strategies work for different people, which is why your teachers may have used lots of different things! Do you remember any learning strategies that you liked? If not, don’t worry, because we’ll show you a few that […]

Long-Term Benefits of Mindfulness

Long-term benefits of mindfulness Conversa

If you’re new to mindfulness, you might have noticed some benefits right away. You might feel calmer or more focused immediately after a mindfulness exercise, but there are plenty of long-term benefits waiting for you down the road. Many researchers have looked at long-term mental health effects on mindfulness after 4 years, and we’ll show […]

Spanish Nouns That Can Use Both Genders

Spanish nouns that can use both genders Conversa

You’ve probably spent countless hours trying to learn which Spanish nouns are feminine and which are masculine. Some of them are more obvious, where masculine nouns that end in -o are masculine and ones that end in -a are feminine. Knowing grammatical gender in Spanish is crucial to all kinds of grammar topics, but did […]

Question Words: Accent Marks Matter

Question words: accent marks matter Conversa

Have you noticed that all question words in Spanish have accent marks? Those little lines are very important symbols that help us understand written questions. You may have noticed that some of these words can also be used without accent marks, but they mean different things. We’ll show you the question words’ meanings, both with […]

No, It’s Not Too Late to Learn Spanish

No, it's not too late to learn Spanish Conversa

You’ve probably seen bilingual or multilingual children and thought, “Wow! They’re like little sponges with languages!” It’s true that children may have an easier time with some linguistic components, but adults can be just as successful. It’s never too late to start learning. There was a time when researchers thought that only children can pick […]

Formation of the Conditional Tense

Formation of the conditional tense Conversa

The conditional tense gets its name because you’re describing what would or could happen in the future given certain circumstances or conditions. It’s often used for hypothetical situations or making requests politely. In fact, it’s similar in English! We often ask, “Could you … ?” to ask someone politely to do something. That’s the conditional! […]

The Science of Focusing

The science of focus Conversa

If you have a hard time concentrating or focusing, know that you’re not alone. Lots of people have a hard time getting in the right mindset to do a task. Even if you’re trying to work on something you enjoy, it can be hard to concentrate! Luckily, researchers have been working on the science of […]