At Home in Spanish: Essential Home Vocabulary

At home in Spanish: Essential Home vocabulary Conversa Spanish Institute

When learning a new language, building a strong foundation (pun intended!) in everyday vocabulary is essential, and Spanish is no exception. Let’s open the door to la casa (home) and explore the fundamental Spanish home vocabulary that will help you describe your living space with ease. Essential Home Vocabulary In Spanish 1. Partes de la […]

15 Common Costumes in Spanish

15 common costumes in Spanish

When Halloween rolls around every year, you’re sure to see some spooky sights. When talking about your Halloween traditions or favorite costumes, there are some words or characters that come up more than others. If you’re from a country where Halloween is popular, it might surprise you to hear that this holiday is not as […]

Sounding More Natural with the Passive Voice

Sounding More Natural with the Passive Voice Conversa Spanish Institute

In English, it’s very common to use the passive voice in everyday speech, formal written work, and everything in between. However, in Spanish, using the passive voice as a literal translation from English can sound choppy and unnatural. It can even make you sound way more formal than you mean to! As you’ve probably already […]

Essential Fall Words and Phrases

Essential fall words and phrases

When the leaves change and the air gets crisp, it feels like we’re stepping into a new world. Days are filled with different festivals and traditions, special meals and treats fill our kitchens. There are certainly foods, activities and descriptions you’ll want to know, and these essential fall words will help you talk about your […]

Words with Double Meanings in Spanish

Words with double meanings in Spanish

Everyone who has learned another language has had their fair share of embarrassing stories. Some are for using the completely wrong word, like calling a car borracho instead of barato (true story!). However, sometimes, words can have a different meaning depending on the country. If you aren’t familiar with the slang or culture of a […]

Start Learning a Word a Day

Start learning a word a day Conversa Spanish Institute

Если ты хочешь пополнить свой "случайный" испанский словарный запас, то учить по одному слову в день - отличное занятие, не требующее больших затрат энергии. Ты никогда не знаешь, когда эти слова тебе пригодятся! А лучше всего то, что это занятие можно прислать тебе, и ты сможешь заниматься, не выходя из дома! Изучаешь ли ты испанский [...].

Полезная испанская лексика для офиса

Полезная испанская лексика для офиса

Неважно, пытаешься ли ты выучить возможную лексику на будущее или активно стараешься больше говорить по-испански на работе, офисная лексика будет тебе очень полезна! Большинство из этой лексики встречается в повседневной жизни и может пригодиться и вне офиса. Помимо того, что ты на работе, они пригодятся [...].

Spanish Numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000

Spanish numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000 Conversa Spanish Institute

Numbers are one of the most commonly used aspects of language. When you really think about it, you realize that numbers are everywhere- costs, describing quantities, addresses, etc. Although they may not be as common as numbers 0-60 for dates and time, there are plenty of common uses for big Spanish numbers. They’ll easily boost […]

Read Bilingual Books to Expand Your Vocabulary

Read Bilingual Books to Expand Your Vocabulary Conversa Spanish Institute

Романы, которые полностью написаны на испанском языке, поначалу могут показаться непосильными! Это отличный способ обучения, но это не первые книги, которые ты должен пытаться читать. Несмотря на то что ты уже взрослый, когда ты только начинаешь учить испанский, твой уровень чтения - детский. Лучший способ расширить свой словарный запас, как [...].

Cooking in Spanish: A Delicious Activity at Home

Cooking in Spanish: a delicious activity at home Conversa Spanish Institute

Nowadays, cooking in Spanish at home couldn’t be easier! There are tons of videos and recipes online, as well as good old fashioned paper cookbooks. Eating is something we all have to do every day, making it a great opportunity to learn some new words and immerse yourself in Spanish from the comfort of your […]