How to Order Coffee in Spanish

How to Order Coffee in Spanish Conversa Spanish Institute

Если ты хочешь заказать кофе, как местный житель, то ты пришел по адресу. Для многих испанцев день не может начаться без маленького кафе кон лече! Знаешь ли ты, что в разных странах люди пьют кофе по-разному? Кофе во всем мире отличается друг от друга! В следующий раз, когда ты пойдешь [...].

A Year of Holidays in Spanish

A year of holidays in Spanish Conversa

Поскольку 2023 год только начался, впереди целый год праздников. Если ты любитель планировать, то, возможно, уже сейчас думаешь о том, как ты надеешься провести свободное от работы и учебы время! Если же ты предпочитаешь более спонтанные мероприятия, то имей в виду этот словарь, когда придет время праздновать. Когда [...].

Using Past Participles as Adjectives

Using past participles as adjectives Conversa Spanish Institute

You probably remember learning about past participles with the verb haber. In English, a past participle is a form of a verb that usually ends in –ed. However, they can take on many different forms depending on what language that verb comes from. In Spanish, past participles are actually extremely common as adjectives. You might […]

Talk About Hopes and Dreams With These Verbs

Talk about hopes and dreams with these verbs Conversa

When learning a new language, you usually start off learning chunk phrases, then things you do habitually. After that, you’ll want to talk about the past or the future. When you want to talk about your hopes and dreams, there are a few different grammatical constructions you can use, no matter what level you’re at. […]

Apocopation in Spanish

It might sound scary, but apocopation is actually something quite simple. In fact, it’s common in English, and lots of other languages, too! All it means is that there are some words that you shorten by taking off the end of a word. Sometimes this is just in spoken conversation, but sometimes it’s a core […]

Spanish Nouns That Can Use Both Genders

Spanish nouns that can use both genders Conversa

You’ve probably spent countless hours trying to learn which Spanish nouns are feminine and which are masculine. Some of them are more obvious, where masculine nouns that end in -o are masculine and ones that end in -a are feminine. Knowing grammatical gender in Spanish is crucial to all kinds of grammar topics, but did […]

Formation of the Conditional Tense

Formation of the conditional tense Conversa

The conditional tense gets its name because you’re describing what would or could happen in the future given certain circumstances or conditions. It’s often used for hypothetical situations or making requests politely. In fact, it’s similar in English! We often ask, “Could you … ?” to ask someone politely to do something. That’s the conditional! […]

Different Ways to Express Gratitude

Different ways to express gratitude Conversa

One of the first words you probably learned in Spanish was gracias, the simplest way to say thanks. Knowing gracias, you’re able to express gratitude in the simplest way. However, it can feel repetitive! We’ll show you more ways to say “thank you!” to broaden your vocabulary. Some of the following phrases use gracias in […]

Make Your Vocabulary Lessons Stick

Make Your Vocabulary Lessons Stick

Of all the thousands of words in the Spanish language, did you know that native speakers regularly only use about 18,000? That can still seem like a huge, even scary, amount of vocabulary to learn. How can someone learn all of that in a manageable way? The key is to make your vocabulary lessons stick. […]

Common Spanish Words of Frequency

Common Spanish words of frequency Conversa

In addition to learning common nouns and verbs to express yourself in another language, it’s just as important to learn common words of frequency. These expressions help you say how often you do things or when you do certain things. In addition to memorizing them, you’ll also have to know where they go. Keep reading […]