The Supermarket Challenge: Foods in Spanish

The Supermarket Challenge Foods in Spanish

The last time you went to the supermarket, what did you get? Did you pick up some arroz and pollo, or maybe some manzanas and zanahorias? A great way to practice Spanish in your daily life is to see what words you know in Spanish as you go about your daily life. Fortunately, many stores […]

Use More than “Bien” or “Mal” for How You’re Feeling

Use More than Bien or Mal for How You're Feeling

Первый раз, когда кто-то спрашивает тебя: "¿Cómo estás?", а ты уверенно отвечаешь: "¡Bien!" или "¡Mal!", - это такое приятное чувство! Ты понял вопрос и смог естественно на него ответить. Однако, возможно, ты хочешь дать более развернутый ответ. Если ты готов добавить в свои conversations еще немного увлекательной лексики, мы покажем [...].

Sounds Familiar? Speaking About Family Members in Spanish

CONVERSA Sounds Familiar? Speaking About Family Members in Spanish

When we first start learning Spanish, most people prefer to aim for easy conversational skills instead of heavy grammar. This way we get a sense of achievable fluency from the very beginning. In other words, it’s good to have some vocabulary ready to go. That’s why in this entry we will tackle an all-time favourite: family […]