Spanish cooking vocabulary is so crucial for daily life. When you think about it, between meals, snacks and making plans, this vocabulary comes up a lot. Basic vocabulary for novice speakers is helpful, but if you’re ready to take on more higher-level terms, we’ll show you B1 words and phrases to add to your repetoir. […]
Spanish cooking phrases
You can learn these phrases as chunk phrases that apply to many different settings, especially in the kitchen.
- Te invito - Я приглашаю тебя; это мой праздник
- Что я рекомендую? - What do you recommend for me?
- La especialidad de la casa es... - Фирменное блюдо дома - это...
- Tráeme... / Me das... - Принеси мне...
- Quisiera probar... - Я бы хотел попробовать...
- Buen provecho - Enjoy your meal
- Estoy lleno/a - Я полон
- Keep in mind that here, lleno/a acts as an adjective, meaning you would use lleno for a boy or llena for a girl.
- Tengo alergias a ... - У меня аллергия на...
Adjectives to describe food
Just like the phrase Estoy lleno/a above, this section contains adjectives, which need to agree with the noun they describe based on gender and number. If you find yourself using the phrase Me gusta or Es delicioso/a, these words will help you describe foods in a more advanced way.
- Crudo/a - raw
- Rico/a - rich
- Quemado/a - burnt
- Seco/a - dry
- Duro/a - жесткий
- Fresco/a - fresh
- Saludable - healthy
- A la parrilla - grilled
Verbs to talk about cooking in Spanish
Cocinar is a great verb, but it’s not very specific. To describe the cooking process in much more detail, you can practice using the following verbs.
- Freír - to fry
- Hornear - to bake
- Mezclar - to mix
- Hervir - to boil
- Cortar - to cut
- Picar - to chop
- Cocinar al vapor - to steam
- Batir - to beat
- Añadir - to add
- Enfriar - to cool
- Helar - to freeze
- Salar - to salt
- Calentar - to heat
- Recalentar - to reheat