Краткое введение в латиноамериканскую литературу

Latin American literature is a treasure trove of rich storytelling, cultural insights, and linguistic nuances. There is so much diversity and beauty to explore. From the magical realism of Gabriel García Márquez to the poignant narratives of Isabel Allende, exploring this literary landscape offers Spanish learners a captivating journey into the heart and soul of […]

5 Uncommon Spanish Grammar Rules You Need to Know

По мере продвижения по языковому пути ты познакомишься не только с фундаментальными правилами грамматики, но и с некоторыми менее известными или необычными конструкциями, которые могут показаться сложными. Иногда это правила, которых нет в английском языке, из-за чего они кажутся сложными. Понимание этих нюансов очень важно для достижения беглости и точности в испанском общении. В этой статье мы [...].

Short Stories for Intermediate Spanish Learners

Are you an intermediate Spanish learner looking to enhance your language skills and immerse yourself in captivating stories? Reading short stories is a fantastic way to expand your vocabulary, improve comprehension, and gain a deeper understanding of the Spanish language and culture. The best part? You can do it from your own home! In this […]

Bridging Language and Connection for Spanish Learners

While trying to become fluent, Spanish learners often find themselves navigating the complexities of effective communication to feel a real connection to who they’re speaking with. Beyond vocabulary and grammar, the art of communication involves a mindful approach that goes way beyond linguistic barriers. In this article, we’ll explore the intersection of mindfulness and communication, […]

Set Goals for Learning Spanish at Home

Set goals for learning Spanish at home Conversa Spanish Institute

У изучения испанского языка дома очень много преимуществ. Например, ты можешь учиться в своем собственном темпе, это обычно дешевле, и ты можешь выбирать темы, которые тебе действительно интересны. Тем не менее, самообучающимся легко начать чувствовать себя потерянными. Если тебе кажется, что ты учишься бесцельно и не [...].

Sounding More Natural with the Passive Voice

Sounding More Natural with the Passive Voice Conversa Spanish Institute

In English, it’s very common to use the passive voice in everyday speech, formal written work, and everything in between. However, in Spanish, using the passive voice as a literal translation from English can sound choppy and unnatural. It can even make you sound way more formal than you mean to! As you’ve probably already […]

Words with Double Meanings in Spanish

Words with double meanings in Spanish

Everyone who has learned another language has had their fair share of embarrassing stories. Some are for using the completely wrong word, like calling a car borracho instead of barato (true story!). However, sometimes, words can have a different meaning depending on the country. If you aren’t familiar with the slang or culture of a […]

Advanced Spanish Tech Vocabulary

Advanced Spanish Tech Vocabulary Conversa Spanish Institute

Technology is a necessary part of all of our lives, and some of the most common terms we use every day. Think about all of the time you spend online, telling people about things you said or saw on social media, or using different softwares at work. So much of our lives are in screens, […]

Try Learning with the Pomodoro Technique

Try Learning with the Pomodoro Technique Conversa Spanish Institute

If you’re familiar with the Italian language, or even Italian food, you might have heard the term pomodoro, which means tomato! You might be thinking, what does a tomato have to do with learning? The creator of the Pomodoro Technique, Francesco Cirillo, developed this time management strategy with a tomato-shaped timer! It’s climbed in fame […]

Master the Difference Between Traer and Llevar

Master the difference between traer and llevar Conversa Spanish Institute

Разница между traer и llevar доставляет немало головной боли изучающим испанский из-за их схожести, да и английский не совсем такой же. Многие студенты путают, когда использовать эти два глагола, и хотя тебя понимают носители языка, звучит это немного смешно. Наверняка ты слышал, как они оба используются, но можешь ли ты сказать [...].