Основные моменты проведения лета в Испании

Испания - яркая страна, которая по-настоящему оживает в летние месяцы. С июня по август теплая погода, праздничная атмосфера и разнообразные культурные события делают это время идеальным для того, чтобы исследовать и погрузиться в испанскую жизнь. Если ты изучаешь испанский язык, то посещение Испании летом - это фантастическая возможность попрактиковаться в [...].

5 Uncommon Spanish Grammar Rules You Need to Know

По мере продвижения по языковому пути ты познакомишься не только с фундаментальными правилами грамматики, но и с некоторыми менее известными или необычными конструкциями, которые могут показаться сложными. Иногда это правила, которых нет в английском языке, из-за чего они кажутся сложными. Понимание этих нюансов очень важно для достижения беглости и точности в испанском общении. В этой статье мы [...].

Navigating Spanish Emotions: A Grammar Guide

Expressing emotions in a foreign language is a skill that goes beyond vocabulary; it involves understanding the grammar structures that enable effective communication. In this article, we will delve into the realm of Spanish emotions, emphasizing grammar rules, sentence construction, and cultural nuances. This comprehensive guide aims to empower learners to express themselves with precision. […]

New Year, Nuevas Metas: Setting Goals for the New Year

It’s time to hang up the new calendars because the new year is here! For Spanish learners, this is a great time to reflect on language goals and embrace the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. Setting goals can enhance your language learning journey, and even help you boost your proficiency. Look back to move […]

Practice Mindfulness While Reading

Practice mindfulness while reading.

As a language learner, reading takes up quite a bit of time! Literacy is an extremely important skill to build fluency. By practicing mindfulness while reading, you’ll improve both focus and retention. Whether you’re struggling to pay attention while reading or just looking to have a more pleasurable experience, these tips can help you improve […]

15 Common Costumes in Spanish

15 common costumes in Spanish

When Halloween rolls around every year, you’re sure to see some spooky sights. When talking about your Halloween traditions or favorite costumes, there are some words or characters that come up more than others. If you’re from a country where Halloween is popular, it might surprise you to hear that this holiday is not as […]

Essential Fall Words and Phrases

Essential fall words and phrases

When the leaves change and the air gets crisp, it feels like we’re stepping into a new world. Days are filled with different festivals and traditions, special meals and treats fill our kitchens. There are certainly foods, activities and descriptions you’ll want to know, and these essential fall words will help you talk about your […]

Try Learning with the Pomodoro Technique

Try Learning with the Pomodoro Technique Conversa Spanish Institute

If you’re familiar with the Italian language, or even Italian food, you might have heard the term pomodoro, which means tomato! You might be thinking, what does a tomato have to do with learning? The creator of the Pomodoro Technique, Francesco Cirillo, developed this time management strategy with a tomato-shaped timer! It’s climbed in fame […]

Familiarize Yourself with the Sounds of Spanish

Familiarize yourself with the sounds of Spanish Conversa Spanish Institute

At their core, languages are collections of sounds. Words are made up of individual components called phonemes, which is a linguistic term for “sounds”. Spanish is what is considered to be a phonetic language because the letters represent specific sounds, and almost all letters in Spanish only have one sound. Practicing learning the sounds of […]

Spanish Numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000

Spanish numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000 Conversa Spanish Institute

Numbers are one of the most commonly used aspects of language. When you really think about it, you realize that numbers are everywhere- costs, describing quantities, addresses, etc. Although they may not be as common as numbers 0-60 for dates and time, there are plenty of common uses for big Spanish numbers. They’ll easily boost […]