Cómo iniciar una práctica diaria de meditación

CONVERSA Covers How to Start a Daily Meditation Practice

Starting a daily meditation practice is one of the best ways to become more mindful and grounded while also reducing stress and anxiety. It can also help you train your brain to reach peak performance, which helps you boost your learning potential. Even if you don’t meditate the typical way, creating a meditation habit can […]

5 formas en que la meditación puede ayudarte a aprender un nuevo idioma

CONVERSA 5 Ways Meditation Can Help You to Learn a New Language

Meditation has a lot of mental and physical health benefits, but did you know that it can also help you learn a second language, like Spanish? Learning a new language requires practice, discipline, and skills. But learning a language is actually only 20% skill. The other 80% is mindset.  The mind plays a fundamental role […]