Bridging Language and Connection for Spanish Learners

Bridging language and connection for Spanish learners Conversa Spanish Institute

While trying to become fluent, Spanish learners often find themselves navigating the complexities of effective communication to feel a real connection to who they’re speaking with. Beyond vocabulary and grammar, the art of communication involves a mindful approach that goes way beyond linguistic barriers. In this article, we’ll explore the intersection of mindfulness and communication, […]

Practice Mindfulness While Reading

Practice mindfulness while reading.

As a language learner, reading takes up quite a bit of time! Literacy is an extremely important skill to build fluency. By practicing mindfulness while reading, you’ll improve both focus and retention. Whether you’re struggling to pay attention while reading or just looking to have a more pleasurable experience, these tips can help you improve […]

Let Go of Past and Future Thoughts

Let go of past and future thoughts Conversa Spanish Institute

Did you know that holding on to your past and future thoughts can prevent you from truly enjoying the present? Learning requires being aware of what’s here now. In order to learn in a way where Spanish can really stick, you need to learn to clear your mind and stop worrying about what you can’t […]

Be Kind to Yourself as a Learner

Be kind to yourself as a learner

Learning Spanish can be filled with lots of joyous moments and accomplishments. When we start to feel frustrated, it can be hard to be kind to ourselves. Every so often, everyone can fall into a slump and feel like they aren’t making the progress they want. What’s important is to remind yourself that you’re doing […]

What Is Mindset Theory?

What is mindset theory? Conversa

Behind all of the blogs, podcasts and lessons around the power of mindset is mindset theory. According to it, people have either a growth or fixed mindset. Those with a growth mindset believe that you’re able to change and develop your abilities, while those with a fixed mindset think their abilities and intelligence aren’t able […]

5 Mindfulness Tips to Feel Refreshed

5 Mindfulness tips to feel refreshed Conversa.

It’s good to push yourself to reach your goals, but there’s a limit. That limit looks different for everyone, but there’s always a point where you’ve pushed yourself too far and feel burnt out. If you’ve been feeling less motivated and are looking for a way to feel refreshed, we’ll give you 5 tips to […]

5 Senses Exercise for Mindfulness

5 Senses Exercise for Mindfulness Conversa

Trying to learn a language without mindfulness is like trying to learn to ride a bike without handlebars; it’s possible, but it’s significantly harder and much more stressful. Paying attention to your 5 senses is a great way to start practicing mindfulness so you can ground yourself before (and even during!) your Spanish sessions. Fortunately, […]

Exercice de pleine conscience en 3 étapes avant de pratiquer l'espagnol

3-Step mindfulness exercise before practicing Spanish

Après une longue journée de travail, à prendre soin de sa famille, à passer du temps avec des amis et à pratiquer d'autres passe-temps que vous aimez, apprendre une langue peut parfois devenir une corvée. Même si apprendre l'espagnol est quelque chose que vous voulez maîtriser, il est facile d'arriver à un endroit où vous vous sentez fatigué, démotivé ou […]

Pourquoi l'état d'esprit est important

Why mindset matters Conversa

La façon dont nous voyons le monde qui nous entoure peut avoir un impact direct sur notre humeur. Vous avez probablement remarqué que lorsque vous avez une attitude pessimiste envers votre journée, votre humeur a tendance à se détériorer. D'autre part, lorsque vous avez une attitude positive, votre humeur s'améliore. Saviez-vous que votre état d'esprit peut [...]

Apprendre avec un état d'esprit de croissance

Learn with a growth mindset Conversa

La façon dont vous vous percevez, vos objectifs et vos défis peuvent en fait affecter votre capacité à apprendre. L'idée d'un état d'esprit de croissance vs. un état d'esprit fixe trouve son origine dans le livre de 2006 de Carol Dweck intitulé Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Elle y explique comment vous pouvez ajuster votre état d'esprit afin de […]