3 estilos de meditación alternativos que no requieren que te quedes quieto

CONVERSA 3 Alternative Meditation Styles That Don't Require You to Sit Still

Most of us think of meditation as sitting still and practically falling asleep, right? But there are alternative meditation styles that don’t require you to sit like a statue on your yoga mat — which face it, for some of us, sitting still and clearing our minds to nothing just doesn’t work. Meditation is simply […]

Por qué tu rutina de cuidado personal debe incluir la meditación

CONVERSA Why your self-care routine should include meditation

Self-care is a necessity, especially since we live in a world of accelerated connectivity and information overload. This is why it’s more important than ever to include meditation in your self-care routine. Meditation can help clear your mind from noisy thoughts, boost happiness, and even train your brain for higher learning potential. Here are some […]