Challenges of Learning from Home and How to Face Them

Challenges of learning at home and how to face them Conversa

Learning from home can have really awesome benefits. It can be inexpensive to not pay for courses, and you can practice on your own time. If you’re catching on quickly, you can go at a more accelerated rate. On the other hand, if you need more time and practice, you can go slower. However, there […]

3-Step Mindfulness Exercise Before Practicing Spanish

3-Step mindfulness exercise before practicing Spanish

After a long day of work, taking care of family, spending time with friends, and doing other hobbies that you like, sometimes learning a language can start to feel like a chore. Even if learning Spanish is something you want to master, it’s easy to get to a place where you feel tired, unmotivated or […]

Why Mindset Matters

Why mindset matters Conversa

The way we see the world around us can have a direct impact on our mood. You’ve probably noticed that when you have a pessimistic attitude towards your day, your mood tends to get worse. On the other hand, when you have a positive attitude, your mood improves. Did you know that your mindset can […]

Set Realistic Goals for Yourself

Set realistic goals for yourself Conversa Spanish Institute

Think about the moment you decided that you were going to start learning a new language. You were probably excited thinking about the places you wold go and the people you would meet! Maybe you downloaded an app that teaches you little by little. Then, the realization sets in. Even though it feels like you’ve […]

Learn with a Growth Mindset

Learn with a growth mindset Conversa

The way you view yourself, your goals and your challenges can actually affect your ability to learn. The idea of a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset first originated in Carol Dweck’s 2006 book titled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. In it, she talks about how you can adjust your mindset in order to […]

Record Yourself Speaking to Improve Pronunciation

Record yourself speaking to improve pronunciation Conversa blog

Sometimes, finding someone to practice speaking with is the absolute hardest part of learning a language. Whether you’re excited to chat or anxious to speak in front of others, if you want to improve your pronunciation, it’s a good idea to record yourself. We’ll give you some tips to use any voice recorder you have […]

Learn About What Interests You

Learn about what interests you Conversa blog

One of the main reasons why someone stops learning a language is because they got bored of it, or they became frustrated that they weren’t reaching the milestones they wanted. It’s common to feel overwhelmed, and that’s a sign to change your mindset. Learn about what interests you, and you’ll keep your motivation. Focus on […]

Surprising Things that Happen When You Learn a New Language

Surprising things that happen when you learn a new language Conversa blog

Everyone has a different reason to learn a new language. Maybe you want to communicate with your coworkers or clients better, or maybe you like the way it sounds. You could want to make new friends, or even have the desire to travel around the world. Whatever your reason may be to learn a new […]

Riduci lo stress con queste strategie di ascolto interpretativo

Lower your stress with these interpretive listening strategies Conversa blog

In class, you probably talk to a lot of non-native Spanish speakers, or your teachers might slow down and enunciate more. A lot of programs and audio samples that are made for Spanish learners tend to speak slower than normal conversations. The first time you talk to a native speaker or watch a TV show […]

Come affrontare l'imbarazzo dell'errore

How to Deal with Error Embarrassment

While learning a new language, there will be times you make an error. Sometimes they’re small, like forgetting the difference between ser and estar. Other times, you’re having a conversation and refer to your car as borracho instead of barrato. So, how can we deal with error embarrassment when we said the wrong thing and […]