Spanish Numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000

Spanish numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000 Conversa Spanish Institute

Numbers are one of the most commonly used aspects of language. When you really think about it, you realize that numbers are everywhere- costs, describing quantities, addresses, etc. Although they may not be as common as numbers 0-60 for dates and time, there are plenty of common uses for big Spanish numbers. They’ll easily boost […]

Different Ways to Combine Ser + Para

Different Ways to Combine Ser + Para Conversa Spanish Institute

The word para is tiny but mighty, and is a preposition that can be used with many different verbs. One of the most common uses is when you combine ser and para. In the most basic sense, Ser means “to be” and para is roughly “for” or “in order to.” Remember, lots of aspects of […]

What Are the CEFR Levels of Language Proficiency?

What are the CEFR levels of language proficiency? Conversa Spanish Institute

When you’ve looked at language classes, books, games, etc., you’ve definitely seen a combination of letters and numbers, known as CEFR levels of language proficiency. A2? B1? What do these mean? Keep reading to find out! A brief history of CEFR CEFR stands for Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Basically, it’s a way […]

Read Bilingual Books to Expand Your Vocabulary

Read Bilingual Books to Expand Your Vocabulary Conversa Spanish Institute

Novels that are completely in Spanish can seem overwhelming at first! They’re a great way to learn, but they aren’t the first books you should try to read. Even though you’re an adult, when you first start learning Spanish, your reading level is that of a kid. The best way to expand your vocabulary as […]

Improve Your Irregular Present Subjunctive

Improve your regular present subjunctive Conversa Spanish Institute

Don’t be intimidated by the irregular present subjunctive. Just like every other new conjugation, it seems hard at first but will feel like second nature. What makes the subjunctive particularly challenging for Spanish learners is that it’s different than English. It doesn’t have an easy exact translation for native English speakers, but that just means […]

Cooking in Spanish: A Delicious Activity at Home

Cooking in Spanish: a delicious activity at home Conversa Spanish Institute

Nowadays, cooking in Spanish at home couldn’t be easier! There are tons of videos and recipes online, as well as good old fashioned paper cookbooks. Eating is something we all have to do every day, making it a great opportunity to learn some new words and immerse yourself in Spanish from the comfort of your […]

Gestures in Hispanic Cultures

Gestures in hispanic cultures Conversa Spanish Institute

Fluency isn’t just about the words you speak, but also about how you speak them. Gestures and body language play a huge role in communicating! Hand motions and facial expressions might feel like common sense because you’ve been using them your whole life, but gestures are actually very cultural. There are some gestures that are […]

Verbs with Prepositions to Talk About Opinions

Verbs with prepositions to talk about opinions Conversa Spanish Institute

One of the greatest skills that comes with advancing your Spanish is being able to talk about opinions. To do so, some verbs with prepositions are common. This means that there are verbs that always use a specific preposition. By learning these, you’ll boost your vocabulary and feel more confident using the subjunctive to talk […]

B1 Spanish Cooking Vocabulary

B1 Spanish cooking vocabulary Conversa Spanish Institute

Spanish cooking vocabulary is so crucial for daily life. When you think about it, between meals, snacks and making plans, this vocabulary comes up a lot. Basic vocabulary for novice speakers is helpful, but if you’re ready to take on more higher-level terms, we’ll show you B1 words and phrases to add to your repetoir. […]

How to Order Coffee in Spanish

How to Order Coffee in Spanish Conversa Spanish Institute

If you want to order coffee like a local, you’ve come to the right place. For many Spanish people, the day can’t start without a little café con leche! Did you know that how people tend to drink coffee varies from place to place? Coffee all around the world is different! Next time you go […]