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Spanish numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000 Conversa Spanish Institute

Spanish Numbers from 1,000 to 1,000,000

Numbers are one of the most commonly used aspects of language. When you really think about it, you realize that numbers are everywhere- costs, describing quantities, addresses, etc. Although they may not be as common as numbers 0-60 for dates and time, there are plenty of common uses for big Spanish numbers. They’ll easily boost your vocabulary!

1,000 vs 1,000,000- close but very different!

Obviously, these two numbers are very different and very far apart. However, in Spanish, the words sound sort of similar. In Spanish, 1 thousand is un mil and 1 million is un millón. See? They are pretty similar! A way to help you remember is that mil is shorter, than millón, so it’s a smaller number.

Another quick note is that when you use millón, you follow it with the word de when you’re talking about a quantity, but you don’t do that for mil. Take a look at these examples:

Tengo mil libros. I have a thousand books.

Tengo un millón de libros. I have a million books.

You could also use the term millones de to exaggerate an amount. It’s an easy way to be a little dramatic!

Spanish numbers- thousands

Since you’ve already learned numbers 0-999, this next part is pretty easy. All you have to do is say the number in Spanish followed by the word mil to say that number in the thousands place. For example, 42 in Spanish is cuarenta y dos, and 42,000 is cuarenta y dos mil. The same goes for all of the numbers in Spanish up through 1 million!

What if you wanted to say you had 42,500 of something? You’d just add 500, or quinientos, after 42 mil. All together, 42,500 would come to cuarenta y dos mil quinientos. Remember, you only add y if it’s part of the number 16-99! Otherwise, where we add the word “and” in English, Spanish doesn’t add y!

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