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Mastering Office Vocabulary in Spanish

Navigating the office environment in English and Spanish requires more than just professional skills; it also demands a solid grasp of office-related vocabulary. Whether you’re aiming to work in a Spanish-speaking office or simply want to expand your language skills, mastering office vocabulary in Spanish is essential. In this guide, we’ll explore key terms and phrases to help you feel confident and competent in any Spanish-speaking workplace.

1. Basic office vocabulary

  • La oficina – The office
  • El escritorio – The desk
  • La silla – The chair
  • El ordenador or La computadora – The computer
  • El teléfono – The telephone
  • La impresora – The printer
  • El archivador – The file cabinet

2. People in the office

  • El jefe / La jefa – The boss
  • El colega – The colleague
  • El subordinado / La subordinada – The subordinate
  • El empleado / La empleada – The employee
  • El cliente / La cliente – The client
  • El proveedor / La proveedora – The supplier

3. Office activities

  • Trabajar – To work
  • Reunirse – To meet
  • Enviar correos electrónicos – To send emails
  • Contestar llamadas – To answer calls
  • Organizar documentos – To organize documents
  • Imprimir informes – To print reports
  • Presentar propuestas – To present proposals

4. Common office objects

  • El bolígrafo / La pluma – The pen
  • El papel – The paper
  • El documento – The document
  • La carpeta – The folder
  • El clip – The paperclip
  • El marcador – The marker
  • La agenda – The agenda

5. Office spaces

  • La sala de reuniones – The meeting room
  • El despacho – The office (individual)
  • La zona de trabajo abierto – The open-plan workspace
  • El pasillo – The corridor
  • La recepción – The reception

6. Office procedures and documents

  • El informe – The report
  • La presentación – The presentation
  • La factura – The invoice
  • El contrato – The contract
  • La agenda – The agenda
  • El memo – The memo

7. Office etiquette

  • Saludar al llegar – Greeting upon arrival
  • Respetar el espacio personal – Respecting personal space
  • Ser puntual – Being punctual
  • Escuchar atentamente – Listening attentively
  • Colaborar con los colegas – Collaborating with colleagues
  • Expresar gratitud – Expressing gratitude
  • Mantener la confidencialidad – Maintaining confidentiality

8. Useful phrases

  • ¿En qué puedo ayudarte? – How can I help you?
  • Por favor, envíame el informe por correo electrónico. – Please send me the report by email.
  • ¿Podemos agendar una reunión para discutir este asunto? – Can we schedule a meeting to discuss this matter?
  • Gracias por tu colaboración. – Thank you for your cooperation.
  • ¿Hay algo más en lo que pueda asistirte? – Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Mastering office vocabulary in Spanish is not only beneficial for your professional development but also enhances your ability to communicate effectively in diverse environments. Practice these terms and phrases regularly to build confidence and fluency in the workplace.

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