Be My Guest: Phrases to Tell Your Event Host

Be my guest: phrases to tell your event host Conversa Spanish Institute

At a dinner party, a nice lunch, or even a calm evening at home, it’s important to learn how to compliment the hard work your event host put into the food. While simple phrases like “Me gusta mucho” gets the point across that you like it, it can get pretty repetitive. It also doesn’t really […]

Feel Confident Talking About Fractions in Spanish

Feel confident talking about fractions in Spanish Conversa

Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a complicated math lesson. There are actually many average daily actions that would require you to talk about fractions in Spanish. Think about if you want half of a sandwich at a deli. Maybe you want to say you only read 1/4 of a book. These typically require […]

A Year of Holidays in Spanish

A year of holidays in Spanish Conversa

Since 2023 has only just begun, there’s a whole year of holidays ahead of us. If you’re a planner, you might already be thinking of how you’re hoping to spend time off of work and school! If you prefer more spontaneous activities, keep this vocabulary in mind when the time comes to celebrate. When it […]

Using Past Participles as Adjectives

Using past participles as adjectives Conversa Spanish Institute

You probably remember learning about past participles with the verb haber. In English, a past participle is a form of a verb that usually ends in –ed. However, they can take on many different forms depending on what language that verb comes from. In Spanish, past participles are actually extremely common as adjectives. You might […]

Talk About Hopes and Dreams With These Verbs

Talk about hopes and dreams with these verbs Conversa

When learning a new language, you usually start off learning chunk phrases, then things you do habitually. After that, you’ll want to talk about the past or the future. When you want to talk about your hopes and dreams, there are a few different grammatical constructions you can use, no matter what level you’re at. […]

Apocopation in Spanish

It might sound scary, but apocopation is actually something quite simple. In fact, it’s common in English, and lots of other languages, too! All it means is that there are some words that you shorten by taking off the end of a word. Sometimes this is just in spoken conversation, but sometimes it’s a core […]

Spanish Nouns That Can Use Both Genders

Spanish nouns that can use both genders Conversa

You’ve probably spent countless hours trying to learn which Spanish nouns are feminine and which are masculine. Some of them are more obvious, where masculine nouns that end in -o are masculine and ones that end in -a are feminine. Knowing grammatical gender in Spanish is crucial to all kinds of grammar topics, but did […]

Question Words: Accent Marks Matter

Question words: accent marks matter Conversa

Have you noticed that all question words in Spanish have accent marks? Those little lines are very important symbols that help us understand written questions. You may have noticed that some of these words can also be used without accent marks, but they mean different things. We’ll show you the question words’ meanings, both with […]

Formation of the Conditional Tense

Formation of the conditional tense Conversa

The conditional tense gets its name because you’re describing what would or could happen in the future given certain circumstances or conditions. It’s often used for hypothetical situations or making requests politely. In fact, it’s similar in English! We often ask, “Could you … ?” to ask someone politely to do something. That’s the conditional! […]

Slang Terms to Impress Native Speakers

Slang terms to impress native speakers Conversa.

One of the most common questions I’m asked as a Spanish teacher is, “When are we going to learn the fun words?” I almost always answer with, “All of them are fun!” but it’s very clear what they want to learn. Generally speaking, most people learning a language want to be able to speak it […]