Make Your Vocabulary Lessons Stick

Make Your Vocabulary Lessons Stick

Of all the thousands of words in the Spanish language, did you know that native speakers regularly only use about 18,000? That can still seem like a huge, even scary, amount of vocabulary to learn. How can someone learn all of that in a manageable way? The key is to make your vocabulary lessons stick. […]

Feeling Drained? Take a Break!

Feeling drained? Take a break Conversa

Sometimes, it’s too easy for the day to just fly by. Going to work or class, finding time to make food and eat it, trying to keep in touch with family and friends, and all of the other daily activities, can be exhausting. If we do this too many days in a row, it’s common […]

Common Spanish Words of Frequency

Common Spanish words of frequency Conversa

In addition to learning common nouns and verbs to express yourself in another language, it’s just as important to learn common words of frequency. These expressions help you say how often you do things or when you do certain things. In addition to memorizing them, you’ll also have to know where they go. Keep reading […]

Spook Your Friends with Halloween Vocabulary

Spook your friends with Halloween vocabulary Conversa

In October, seasons change and the air gets a bit chilly, and you might start seeing pumpkins everywhere. If the fall is your favorite time of year, you might also be anxiously awaiting Halloween. Although not every Spanish-speaking country necessarily celebrates Halloween, or at least not like in the United States, there are important Halloween […]

Declutter Your Space to Free Your Mind

Declutter your space and free your mind Conversa

Having books everywhere, piles of clothes and random items everywhere isn’t just distracting- it can actually make it hard to focus. If you want to free your mind, you need to declutter your space. This way, you’ll be able to pay attention and retain more of what you’re learning. Even if you think you thrive […]

5 Stages of Learning a Second Language

5 stages of learning a second language Conversa

While you’re practicing Spanish, did you know that your brain is going through the 5 stages of learning a second language? Research shows that these are common stages for students. Although every learning experience is personal, every learner progresses in similar ways. Here, we’ll detail the 5 stages you’ll go through so you can see […]

Crash Course in Día de los Muertos

Crash course in día de los muertos Conversa

Día de los muertos, or Day of the Dead, has its own beautiful set of rituals and traditions. It’s a colorful celebration of life to remember loved ones. Did you know that every popular aspect of Day of the Dead is a symbol to represent a view about the afterlife? We’ll give you a crash […]

Conjugating Verbs Derived from Tener

Conjugating verbs derived from tener Conversa

When learning more complicated vocabulary words, sometimes it’s easy to forget the basics! There are lots of words in English that have additional prefixes or suffixes, but contain a much simpler word. For example, the word “preview” contains the word “view”, but it has the little word “pre-” as its suffix. These little words can […]

Day of the Dead is Not Halloween

Day of the Dead is Not Halloween Conversa

Have you started seeing beautifully decorated altars around your town or neighborhood? Maybe in the grocery store, you noticed a section filled with brightly colored skulls and paper. Day of the Dead is coming up in just a few weeks, and although it’s around the same time as Halloween, they couldn’t be more different. We’ll […]

Comprehensible Input is Key to Learn at Home

Comprehensible input is key to learn at home Conversa

It’s a word that’s been floating around academia for decades, and we’re bringing it to you: comprehensible input. If you’re struggling or plateauing, listen up! It’s the most important component in your Spanish lessons that is going to help you learn consistently at the right pace. According to Stephen Krashen, the researcher who created it, […]