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How to Integrate Language Practice Into Everyday Habits

When it comes to learning a language in a way that really works, forget spending endless hours grinding away a textbook. While memorization is certainly an important beginning step, the best way to learn is to get out there and practice those skills. 

This can all be understood by breaking down the very fundamental difference between language learning and language acquisition. Subjects like science, math, and other types of specialized skills are learned, often through more traditional means. 

However, when it comes to language, textbook learning tends to be not nearly as effective as getting out there and talking. This is explained by the fact that human beings have an innate capacity to acquire language. Essentially, the more we practice speaking a language, the easier it becomes to learn, so it would be a major shame to not cash in on this unique ability to speed and simplify the learning process.

With that in mind, this article is going to lay down some basic suggestions that people can use to integrate their language learning practices right into those day-to-day habits so that practicing becomes just as natural as it is effective. Read on to find out how. 

Pursue an Interest of Activity in a Second Language

A great way to motivate yourself to practice is to combine something that you already like with that second language. 

For instance, there are about 41 million native Spanish speakers living in the United States. That’s more than the population of Spain, to put it into perspective. This means you probably won’t have to look far to find a fun yoga course, dance class, painting tutorial or whatever else interests that are taught in Spanish. 

Combining language learning with a hobby is a great way to hit two birds with one stone and up your learning potential in a uniquely multidimensional way. 

Engage in Productive Time-Wasters

We’ve all been inclined to fall down the odd Internet wormhole every now and then, and some of us probably end up doing so a little more than we care to admit. So, the next time you find yourself drifting off into an article or cruising your social media feed at work, why not challenge yourself to do in Spanish instead. At least this way, you won’t actually have to feel guilty about wasting your time. 

With that in mind, if you really want to level up, try switching the language settings on your phone, laptop and favorite social media sites to Spanish. This way, you will learn how to engage with everyday language in a healthy, habitual fashion. 

Make a New Friend

When it comes to learning a second language, there are few things more helpful than having a native speaking friend to practice with while you dish the dirt. Whether heading to the gym together or hitting up your favorite shops, the invaluable practice you get using the buddy system is one of the easiest ways to bump your learning process into overdrive. 

So, how do you meet new people? Well, making use of the above suggestions are a great start, as are online forums dedicated to matching up people who want to practice a second language together. Worst case, there are plenty of great podcasts available in Spanish, so this can always be a good sub. 

That said, those looking for one of the most effective ways to really put their Spanish language skills to work for them, no matter what level they are at-will do not want to miss out on the tailored digital learning environment and one-on-one real-time conversations offered specifically through Conversa Institute. These one-of-a-kind online courses are designed to work with your life, and not the other way around, so don’t miss out.  

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