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Advanced Spanish Tech Vocabulary Conversa Spanish Institute

Advanced Spanish Tech Vocabulary

Technology is a necessary part of all of our lives, and some of the most common terms we use every day. Think about all of the time you spend online, telling people about things you said or saw on social media, or using different softwares at work. So much of our lives are in screens, which makes advanced Spanish tech vocabulary a necessity.

Basic phone and computer words are in most intro vocabululary lists. Those words are important, like móvil or ordenador. However, there are so many more words that are crucial to getting to the next level in your fluency. Interestingly, you might notice that some of these words are similar to classroom vocabulary. That’s because a lot of tech words were named after a tangible item, like “folder” or “trash can.”

Advanced Spanish Tech Nouns

Imagine you’re traveling in Spain and you realize you need to borrow a charger because your phone battery is running low. Do you know what you should ask for? These Spanish tech nouns will help you communicate more effectively, whether it’s for fun or in an emergency.

  • La batería / la pila battery
  • El borrador draft
  • El cargador charger
  • La carpeta folder
  • La contraseña password
  • El defecto bug, glitch
  • El enlace link
  • La impresora printer
  • Los medios sociales social media **NOTE: In English, this is singular, but in Spanish, it’s plural
  • El ordenador portátil laptop
  • La pestaña tab
  • El ratón mouse
  • La red network
  • El teclado keyboard
  • El usuario username
  • El virus virus

Key verbs

In Spain, sometimes I used to help my host mom with Facebook. I quickly learned which words I knew and which ones I didn’t! These are verbs that you encounter daily in English, and will encounter often in Spanish.

  • Anularto cancel **NOTE: For technology, this tends to be more common than cancelar in some areas
  • Arrastrar to drag
  • Borrarto erase
  • Buscar to search for **NOTE: Since buscar means to search for, you don’t use “para” after buscar
  • Cargar to load
  • Confirmar to confirm
  • Ingresar to enter information
  • Iniciar la sesión to log in
  • Instalar to install
  • Publicar / postear to post
  • Registrarseto sign up

There are more words where these came from, and new words come up every day. Technology is moving pretty fast, but these terms will help you keep up!

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