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The science of focus Conversa

The Science of Focusing

If you have a hard time concentrating or focusing, know that you’re not alone. Lots of people have a hard time getting in the right mindset to do a task. Even if you’re trying to work on something you enjoy, it can be hard to concentrate! Luckily, researchers have been working on the science of focusing. Here, we’ll show you what current studies are showing so you can find a routine that works for you.

There’s a science to focusing?

It might surprise you, but yes, there’s an entire science to concentration. Whatever trouble you might have focusing, rest assured that it’s a universal experience. You might be wondering- how come some people focus more than others? A lot of it has to do with how people choose to use their time.

Believe it or not, simply putting more hours into something doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be better at it. Dr. David Rock, the author of Your Brain at Work and cognitive science expert, found that you’re only most focused for about 6 hours per week!

Not everyone concentrates the same

The terms “morning person” and “night person” have something to do with when you’re best able to focus. However, did you know that around 90% of people don’t focus best in the morning or at night, but somewhere in between?

What many people do have in common is how the brain decides to focus. Your brain starts by taking in a scenario, then finding one aspect to really work on. This might be when you don’t realize how long you’ve been working on it because you’re “in the zone”! Obviously, this takes up a lot of energy, so it makes sense that your brain doesn’t do this all the time.

Adjust your routine to maximize Spanish retention

One of the many perks of learning Spanish at home is getting to set your own schedule and learn when it’s convenient for you. “Convenient” doesn’t necessarily just refer to when you have free time, but also when you’re best able to focus. To figure out when that is, pay closer attention to your productivity and energy levels for a week. You might be surprised by what you find!

Then, plan your work around those times. If you’re most productive in the early afternoon and your schedule permits it, try and dedicate that time to language learning. If you realize that you like to unwind in the afternoon and the morning is best, you could try waking up a little earlier to practice earlier.

After adjusting your schedule, you’ll be glad that you did. Use your main window of productivity to your advantage!

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