Set Goals for Learning Spanish at Home

Set goals for learning Spanish at home Conversa Spanish Institute

There are so many great benefits to learning Spanish at home. For example, you get to learn at your own pace, it’s typically less expensive, and you can choose topics that you’re genuinely interested in. However, it’s easy for self-guided students to start to feel lost. If you feel like you’re studying aimlessly and don’t […]

Practice Mindfulness While Reading

Practice mindfulness while reading.

As a language learner, reading takes up quite a bit of time! Literacy is an extremely important skill to build fluency. By practicing mindfulness while reading, you’ll improve both focus and retention. Whether you’re struggling to pay attention while reading or just looking to have a more pleasurable experience, these tips can help you improve […]

Are Verb Drills Helpful?

While learning a language can be fun and social, not every part of learning Spanish is super exciting. You might be wondering how helpful verb drills are. We’re here to tell you that despite the fact that they aren’t too riveting, they are very helpful to you as a Spanish student. In fact, there are […]

15 Common Costumes in Spanish

15 common costumes in Spanish

When Halloween rolls around every year, you’re sure to see some spooky sights. When talking about your Halloween traditions or favorite costumes, there are some words or characters that come up more than others. If you’re from a country where Halloween is popular, it might surprise you to hear that this holiday is not as […]

Essential Fall Words and Phrases

Essential fall words and phrases

When the leaves change and the air gets crisp, it feels like we’re stepping into a new world. Days are filled with different festivals and traditions, special meals and treats fill our kitchens. There are certainly foods, activities and descriptions you’ll want to know, and these essential fall words will help you talk about your […]

Words with Double Meanings in Spanish

Words with double meanings in Spanish

Everyone who has learned another language has had their fair share of embarrassing stories. Some are for using the completely wrong word, like calling a car borracho instead of barato (true story!). However, sometimes, words can have a different meaning depending on the country. If you aren’t familiar with the slang or culture of a […]

Interesting Famous Spanish Painters

Interesting Famous Spanish Painters Conversa Spanish Institute

There’s no question that Spain has some of the most famous paintings in the history of the world, but how much do you know about their Spanish painters? Many of these artists have left long-lasting impacts on Spanish culture. You might even recognize a few of their names from Spanish class, pop culture or movies. […]

Start Learning a Word a Day

Start learning a word a day Conversa Spanish Institute

If you want to boost your “random” Spanish vocabulary, learning a word a day is a great low-energy activity. You’ll never know when these words will be useful! Best of all, it’s something you can get sent to you, and you can do from the comfort of your own home! Whether you’ve been learning Spanish […]

Irregular Familiar Commands You’ll Use Daily

Irregular Familiar Commands You'll Use Daily Conversa Spanish Institute

The word command can sound so harsh, but in reality, we use commands every day. Familiar commands are some of the most common terms that you’ll hear and say! Commands aren’t just when you’re bossy and telling someone what to do, but rather words that give direction instead of a suggestion. Take a look at […]

Why Learn Spanish When I Could Use AI?

Why Learn Spanish When I Could Use AI? Conversa Spanish Institute

AI for translations isn’t really that new. Google Translate, Babbel and so many other machine translation sites have been around for a while now. If you ask any Spanish teacher, they’ll tell you that they’ve been learning how to adjust teaching methodologies to adapt to the changing world. AI might be getting smarter, but there’s […]