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Get Olympic Ready: Key Spanish Terms for the Summer Games

The Summer Olympic Games, known as “Los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano” in Spanish, are a global event that brings together athletes from around the world to compete in various sports. For Spanish learners, understanding key vocabulary related to the Summer Olympics can enhance your experience and help you communicate effectively about this international spectacle. Below, we explore some essential Summer Olympic vocabulary in Spanish and English.

After learning some of these terms, try making some sentences of your own! Use the provided example sentences to help you.

Basic Terms

  1. Las OlimpiadasThe Olympics
  2. El / La AtletaThe Athlete
  3. La MedallaThe Medal
  4. El OroThe Gold
  5. La PlataThe Silver
  6. El BronceThe Bronze
  7. El RécordThe Record

Types of Events

  1. Las Olimpiadas de VeranoThe Summer Olympics
  2. Las Olimpiadas de InviernoThe Winter Olympics


  1. El AtletismoTrack and Field
  2. La NataciónSwimming
  3. La GimnasiaGymnastics
  4. El CiclismoCycling
  5. El BaloncestoBasketball
  6. El TenisTennis

People and Places

  1. El EntrenadorThe Coach
  2. El EquipoThe Team
  3. El EstadioThe Stadium
  4. La Ceremonia de AperturaThe Opening Ceremony
  5. La Ceremonia de ClausuraThe Closing Ceremony

Actions and Phrases

  1. CompetirTo Compete
  2. GanarTo Win
  3. PerderTo Lose

Sample Sentences to Help You Practice

“Ganó una medalla de plata en natación.” – “He won a silver medal in swimming.”

“Las Olimpiadas se celebran cada cuatro años.” – “The Olympics are held every four years.”

“La gimnasia requiere mucha habilidad.” – “Gymnastics requires a lot of skill.”

By learning and using these terms, you can better appreciate the excitement and drama of the Summer Olympic Games. Whether you’re watching the events, discussing them with friends, or reading about the latest news, this vocabulary will help you engage more deeply with the world of sports. ¡Disfruta de los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano! (Enjoy the Summer Olympic Games!)

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