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How to choose a place to study abroad Conversa

How to Choose a Place to Study Abroad

Learning Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country is an experience unlike any other. However, choosing a place to study can be very overwhelming. You really get to experience an entire new way of life, but there are just so many to choose from! Have no fear, we’ll help you narrow down your search by providing you with some things to think about.

1. Narrow it down to a region of the world

If you know you want to study Spanish, that narrows it down to over 20 countries left to choose from! Think about what region is calling to you. Is it the Mediterranean lifestyle in Europe? Is it the history of the indigenous groups in Central America? This is especially important if you’re planning on traveling while studying abroad. Think about where you want to be near, and what you want easier access to.

2. Think about the size of the city you’d like

Some people love being in the center of a bustling metropolitan area, but others prefer being by a quiet mountainside. This is somewhere that you’ll be spending weeks or months in, maybe even years, so you want it to fit the size that you prefer. There are pros and cons to each type, and it all comes down to your own preference. Do a little bit of research on the cities that you’re interested in and see if they meet your needs.

However, don’t forget that studying abroad and living in a new place is a great way to challenge yourself to see a different way of life than you’re used to. If you find yourself picking a place that most resembles where you currently live, consider going out of your comfort zone.

3. Price of each place to study

You know your budget and your restrictions, so keep money in mind when choosing a place to study. There are tons of budgeting workshops, worksheets and videos that you can find online to help you think about how much each program will cost, and whether or not it’s affordable.

4. Type of Spanish program

Every single school is run a little bit differently, or might be focused on different skills. If you’re a beginner, you want to make sure you’re looking at programs made for beginners. Some programs are a few weeks and provide intensive courses with lots of class time, but others are much longer and have less time in the school itself.

In addition, different schools have different mottos and missions. For example, at Conversa, we focus on mindfulness to look at each student as a whole and help you be confident and enjoy the language-learning process. Other schools might use different approaches to learning languages, and that’s just as important as the other factors!

Finding a place to study can be challenging, but it’s also very exciting. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll find the perfect place.

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