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April 7… National Beer Day!

Did you know that in the US, April 7 is a very special day? That’s right! It’s National Beer Day and we have big plans for it! Oh, and best of all? In 2019, this jolly holiday lands on a Sunday!

If one day only is not enough to appreciate the goodness of beer, fret not.  We don’t need an official holiday to celebrate what’s good in life, but if you’re looking for an excuse… We’ll always have New Beer’s Eve on April 6! Yes, it’s a thing.

Did you know that when signing the act that would once again make beer legal, Roosevelt said: “I think this would be a good time for a beer”? How amazing would it be to strike up a conversation with this on National Beer Day? AND in Spanish? Mind-blowing. Granted, many people might not get the joke but how badass would you feel? So if on April 7 you’re going to a bar filled with Spanish speakers… try saying “Creo que este sería un buen momento para una cerveza (DRAMATIC PAUSE)“. A million-times better that the boring “una cerveza, por favor“. No doubt.

More Conversation Starters

If being a jokester doesn’t work for you, here are some more common phrases to start a conversation at a bar:

  • ¿Sabes a qué hora cierra la barra? Do you know what time they’re closing the bar?
  • Qué buena pinta, ¿qué bebes? – That looks good, what are you drinking?
  • ¿Me recomiendas algo? – Can you recommend something?
  • ¿Vienes aquí a menudo? – You come here often?
  • ¿Qué te gustaría beber? – What would you like to drink?
  • Hola, estoy esperando a unos amigos, ¿te importa si hablamos mientras? – Hey, I’m waiting for some friends, would you like to chat in the meantime?
  • Hola, soy nuevo por aquí y quiero aprender español, ¿tú lo hablas? – Hey, I’m new around here and I want to learn Spanish, do you speak it?

Those last ones ware VERY specific. But we think sometimes it’s good to make your intentions clear from the get-go, right?

Some of these may sound like you have ulterior motives but we like to think it’s all in the attitude. Put on a friendly smile and be respectful. And hey, if you want to learn Spanish and possibly meet the love of your life, nobody’s stopping you. Certainly not your Spanish skills!

Useful Bar-related Vocabulary

  • Bebidas – drinks
    ” alcohólica – alcoholic drink
    ” sin alcohol – non-alcoholic drink
  • Cerveza – beer
    ” negra – stout
    ” rubia – lager
  • Cerveza en botella – bottled beer
  • Cerveza de barril – draught beer
  • Vino (tinto, blanco, rosado) – wine (red, white, rosé)
  • Un vaso de, una copa de – a glass of
  • Chupito – shot
  • Una ronda de – a round of
  • Hielo – ice
    Sin hielo, por favor – no ice, please
  • Un refresco – a soda/soft drink
  • La barra – the bar (counter)
  • Un bar – a bar (place)
  • La cuenta – the bill/ the check
  • Propina – the tip
  • Una servilleta – a napkin
  • Un brindis – a toast (raising of glasses)
  • ¡Salud! – Cheers!

If you love drinking (safely) and enjoy a bit of barhopping here and there, don’t be afraid to make the most of it. It has been argued that tipsy people are GREAT at speaking languages.

And remember… Si bebes, ¡no conduzcas!

Remember to practise what you learned with this online activity below!

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