New to Mindfulness? Start Here!

A black woman looking out the window next to the title, "New to Mindfulness? Start Here!"

“Mindfulness” definitely a word that’s gained popularity in the last few years. There are tons of journals, videos, podcasts and more that try to tell you about this new term that’s supposedly going to change your life. Here’s the crazy thing- it actually will. If you’re new to mindfulness, you’re going to want to learn […]

When to Use the “Personal A” in Spanish

When to use the personal A in Spanish

One of the most challenging parts of learning a new language is navigating the aspects that don’t exactly translate. Do you remember learning false friends and learning that different languages don’t always follow the same patterns? Just like other grammatical rules that don’t literally translate, it’s important to learn when to use the “personal a” […]

Challenges of Learning from Home and How to Face Them

Challenges of learning at home and how to face them Conversa

Learning from home can have really awesome benefits. It can be inexpensive to not pay for courses, and you can practice on your own time. If you’re catching on quickly, you can go at a more accelerated rate. On the other hand, if you need more time and practice, you can go slower. However, there […]

Shop Talk: Store Vocabulary in Spanish

Shop talk store vocabulary in Spanish Conversa

If you’re planning on traveling or living abroad, one of your top concerns must be getting around town. While cell phones have made it infinitely easier to figure out how to navigate in other countries, it’s still important to know basic terms. Shopping, dining and other fun activities tend to use lots of store vocabulary, […]

Qué or Cuál? Which “what” is which?

Qué or Cuál? Which "what" is which? Conversa

Most of the question words, or interrogative pronouns, in Spanish seem to translate exactly the same way in English. For example, in the question, ”Cuándo es el examen?” meaning “When is the test?”, cuándo mean when. In certain cases, the question words qué or cuál can take on similar meanings, like what or which. We’ll […]

Immediate Benefits of Learning Spanish

Immediate Benefits of Learning Spanish Conversa

There really are endless reasons to start learning another language! You can travel to new places, meet new people, and even gain some new perspectives on the world. Tons of research has come out about the benefits of a bilingual brain in both kids and adults. All of these common reasons have one thing in […]

Professions in Spanish to Boost Your Vocabulary

Professions in Spanish to boost your vocabulary Conversa

Every day, new job titles pop up that didn’t exist the day before! That can make it tricky to talk about our own jobs in English, and especially difficult in a second language. Every sector has terms specific to their field, so it’s hard to conceive how many professions are out there. Here, we’ll simplify […]

Why Mindset Matters

Why mindset matters Conversa

The way we see the world around us can have a direct impact on our mood. You’ve probably noticed that when you have a pessimistic attitude towards your day, your mood tends to get worse. On the other hand, when you have a positive attitude, your mood improves. Did you know that your mindset can […]

Querido Diario: Journal in Spanish

Querido diario journal in Spanish Conversa

Having a language journal when learning a language has lots of perk, and is even more useful if you’re learning at home. You can find thousands of products on the shelves that have different templates, prompts and lengths, or you can pick up a simple notebook and pen. Whichever route you choose to start to […]

Vocabulario Viernes: Months in Spanish

Vocabulario viernes months in Spanish Conversa

Welcome back to Vocabulario Viernes! Today, we’re continuing our vocabulary about the calendar in Spanish. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out of our last Vocabulario Viernes on days of the week. After learning the days of the week and the format of a calendar in Spanish, here we’ll show you the months in […]