Pro-Drop Like a Pro

Pro-Drop Like a Pro Conversa blog

Have you ever heard the term “pro-drop”? It stands for “pronoun-drop” and it’s a grammatical concept that some languages have. Pro-drop might seem like something really small, but learning about it and how to use it will make you feel and sound a little more like a native speaker. Keep reading to learn about it. […]

Practice Writing and Speaking from Home

Practice writing and speaking from home Conversa blog

A huge benefit of taking a Spanish course is the constant writing and speaking practice that you get. Your teacher and classmates can give you feedback, and you’re provided with various activities to practice grammar and vocabulary. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t practice writing and speaking from home! If you’re looking for ways […]

The Problem with Multi-Lingual Multi-Tasking

the problem with multi-lingual multi-tasking Conversa blog

Nowadays, it feels like we are always multi-tasking. You might find yourself on your phone while watching TV, scrolling while in class, texting at dinner, or listening to a podcast while writing a paper. It’s common to multi-task, but there’s a big problem with multi-lingual multi-tasking: it doesn’t work very well when you’re first learning. […]

Texting in Spanish

Texting in Spanish Conversa blog

When you start learning and practicing a new language, making Spanish-speaking friends is the natural next step. You can practice with them, learn from them, and hopefully create new memories together. Nowadays, a large portion of our communication happens on the internet. This includes social media platforms, instant messages, emails, and any other site where […]

Reflecting on Reflexive Verbs

Reflecting on reflexive verbs Conversa blog

At the very beginning of your Spanish classes, you probably learned “Me llamo…” to say “My name is…” but did you know it literally translates to “I call myself”? In fact, this introductory phrase is part of a category of verbs called reflexive verbs. There are lots of reflexive verbs in Spanish that have special […]

Lower Your Stress with These Interpretive Listening Strategies

Lower your stress with these interpretive listening strategies Conversa blog

In class, you probably talk to a lot of non-native Spanish speakers, or your teachers might slow down and enunciate more. A lot of programs and audio samples that are made for Spanish learners tend to speak slower than normal conversations. The first time you talk to a native speaker or watch a TV show […]

Things to Label at Home in Spanish

Things to label at home in Spanish

There’s a reason that teachers have been labeling items in their classrooms for years. The best way to learn new vocabulary isn’t by translating in your head, but rather associating images and symbols with the word in the target language. For example, you want to practice looking at a tree and thinking “árbol“, not thinking […]

Use More than “Bien” or “Mal” for How You’re Feeling

Use More than Bien or Mal for How You're Feeling

The first time someone asks you, “¿Cómo estás?” and you confidently answer “¡Bien!” or “¡Mal! is such a good feeling! You understood a question and were able to naturally answer it. However, maybe you want to give a more detailed answer. If you’re ready to add some more exciting vocabulary to your conversations, we’ll show […]

Do You Have Doubts about Using the Subjunctive?

Do You Have Doubts about Using the Subjunctive

If you grew up as a native English speaker, you had probably never even heard of the subjunctive before. That’s because we tend not to learn grammar as a native speaker in the same way we do when we learn another language. This grammatical tense is so common, you hear it every day. Here, we’ll […]

How to Deal with Error Embarrassment

How to Deal with Error Embarrassment

While learning a new language, there will be times you make an error. Sometimes they’re small, like forgetting the difference between ser and estar. Other times, you’re having a conversation and refer to your car as borracho instead of barrato. So, how can we deal with error embarrassment when we said the wrong thing and […]