How to Deal with Error Embarrassment

How to Deal with Error Embarrassment

While learning a new language, there will be times you make an error. Sometimes they’re small, like forgetting the difference between ser and estar. Other times, you’re having a conversation and refer to your car as borracho instead of barrato. So, how can we deal with error embarrassment when we said the wrong thing and […]

What Do I Do If I Don’t Understand?

What Do I Do If I Don’t Understand

It’s happened to all of us. You were so excited to practice Spanish with a native speaker, and you were so confident in yourself! Then, the other person started talking, and you had no idea what words came out of their mouth. You feel frustrated, and a little embarrassed. In this article, we’ll help you […]

Most Common Verbs in Spanish

Most common verbs in Spanish.

Did you know that in Spanish, there are over 11,000 verbs? Don’t worry, you definitely don’t need to rush to memorize all of them today. In fact, to be conversational, you only need to be able to use a small fraction of them. Here, we’ll give you a crash course of the most common verbs […]

Books for Spanish Learners

Books for Spanish learners.

In order to become better speakers, reading is a crucial component. Reading is actually the best way to build you vocabulary and become a better writer. Speaking, reading, writing and listening are all related skills, so when you improve one, you’ll notice the effects on the others. Here, we’ll show you some types of books […]

Movies for Spanish Learners

Watching movies, both new and old, is one of the best ways that you can practice your Spanish without leaving the comfort of your home. You might not always have someone to talk to, or you might want a way you can maintain your Spanish by yourself. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced speaker, […]

Learning Spanish from home?

5 perks of learning Spanish from home. If your lifestyle does not allow for traveling abroad to learn a new language, don’t worry. There are some definite perks to learning a language from home.  You set the pace.  Read moreVideo: Spanish-English false friendsWe have all been in a class where our classmates seem to be […]

Is an immersive program for me?

Is an immersive program for me?

Surely you have tried or thought about learning a language before. The first thought most people have is: Where do I begin?  Languages are complex things to learn. You need to learn not only the words, but the mannerisms, colloquial phrasings, and the inexplicable rules of the language and culture. These are details that are […]

Why is Valencia the best place to learn Spanish immersively?

Learning a new language can be challenging, but learning it while living in a foreign country will be the best option for you. Now, you must be wondering, how do I choose the right place for me. Well, we are here to help. Here are 5 reasons why Valencia is the best choice for you. […]

5 Easy Ways to Enforce Your Spanish Practice on the Go

Let’s face it. Sometimes it can be difficult to take time out of a busy schedule to practice a language.  The good news is that there are lots of fun and creative ways to sneak a little Spanish learning into your daily commute, lunch break or even drive to work.  Read moreOnline Activity: Conjugate Spanish […]

3 Easy Hacks to Help You Nail Your Spanish Accent

So you are starting to get the hang of Spanish, but your accent leaves much to be desired? Don’t worry!  It is perfectly normal for native English speakers to struggle a bit with their accent, especially if you haven’t had much chance to practice your Spanish skills in the real world.  Read moreOnline Activity: Conjugate […]